G(A)36, Manometro per usi generici (D.E. 37)

G(A)36, Manometro per usi generici (D.E. 37)
  • In Offerta
Pressure Gauge For General Purpose With Limit Indicator G36/GA36 Series that has a brass Bourdon tube.
· Fluid: air.
· Indication precision: ±3% F.S. (full span).


  • See catalog for specification details.
  • CAD data is not supported for some model numbers
  • Product pictures are representations.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
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Pressure Gauge For General Purpose With Limit Indicator G36/GA36 Series Details

G36-10-01: product images

G36-10-01: product images

Pressure Gauge For General Purpose With Limit Indicator G36/GA36 Series Specifications

Standard specification

Model G36 GA36
Shape Back side thread Vertical side thread
Connection threadNote 1) R1/8 (Option M: With M5 female thread) R 1/8
FluidNote 2) Note 4) Air
Indication precisionNote 5) ±3% F.S. (full span)
Material Case
(Surface treatment)
Rolled steel
(Electrodeposition coating black)
Stainless steel
(Black melamine painted)
Note 3)Clear cover Polycarbonate
(Part number: G36-00-00-4)
(Part number: G36-00-00-3)
(Surface treatment)
Die-cast aluminum
(Black disulfide molybdenum coating)
Bourdon tube Brass
Weight (kg) 0.04 0.05

Note 1) When mounting the pressure gauge to products, take care not to over-tighten. This will cause damage. Use pipe tape for sealing.
Note 2) Water cannot be used as an operating fluid as the stub is made from die-cast aluminum and may corrode.
Note 3) Clear cover: G36-00-00-4 is not compatible with G36-00-00-3.
Note 4) Take care to avoid freezing. This may result in a malfunction.
Note 5) The guaranteed temperature range is 23°C ±5°C.

Model Number Notation

Model number example

Model number example

- Symbol Content (1)
G36 GA36
Back side thread Vertical side thread
(2) Max. display pressure 2 0.2 MPa
4 0.4 MPa
7 0.7 MPa
10 1.0 MPa
15 1.5 MPa
P2Note 1) 0.2 MPa / 30 psi Note 2) Note 2)
P4Note 1) 0.4 MPa / 60 psi Note 2) Note 2)
P7Note 1) 0.7 MPa / 100 psi Note 2) Note 2)
P10Note 1) 1.0 MPa / 150 psi Note 2) Note 2)
P15Note 1) 1.5 MPa / 220 psi Note 2) -
(3) Connection thread 01 R 1/8
(4) Option No Mark -
MNote 3) With M5 (female thread) -
(5) Special specificationNote 4) No Mark -
X2 Stud parts nickel plated -
X4 Oil-free (wetted parts degrease washing)
X30 Both MPa and psi Note 2) Note 2)

Note 1) This symbol must be used with special specification X30.
Note 2) Models marked with ○ are for overseas use only according to Japan's New Measurement Law (models for use in Japan use SI units).
Note 3) To use the pressure gauge with M5 (female thread), attach the joint when piping the tube.
Note 4) SUS specification is not available for wetted parts.

Pressure Gauge For General Purpose With Limit Indicator G36/GA36 Series Dimensions

G36-□□-01 (M)


(Unit: mm)


G36-□□-01 (M) dimensional drawing

G36-□□-01 (M) dimensional drawing



(Unit: mm)


GA36-□□-01 dimensional drawing

GA36-□□-01 dimensional drawing

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Shape Maximum Indicated Pressure Option Special Specification Unit Specifications

11.23 €

1 3 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.2MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

14.29 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,2 MPaAssenteSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)MPa

12.65 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,2 MPaCon M5 (filettatura femmina)AssenteMPa

11.23 €

1 4 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.4MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

11.23 €

1 4 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.7MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

11.23 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,7 MPaAssenteSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)MPa

12.03 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,7 MPaCon M5 (filettatura femmina)AssenteMPa

11.23 €

1 4 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1.0MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

14.32 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,0 MPaAssenteSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)MPa

12.65 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,0 MPaCon M5 (filettatura femmina)AssenteMPa

14.15 €

1 15 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1.5MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

12.60 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,2 MPa, 30 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

12.68 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,4 MPa/60 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

12.66 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,7 MPa/100 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

12.68 €

1 39 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,0 MPa/150 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

15.53 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,5 MPa/220 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

14.15 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

17.19 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPaAssenteSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)MPa

14.15 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,4 MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

11.23 €

7.52 €

1 Stesso giorno


Filettatura lato verticale0.7MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

14.15 €

1 4 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1.0MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

17.74 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1,0 MPaAssenteNichelaturaMPa

17.13 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1.5MPaAssenteAssenteMPa

15.56 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPa, 30 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

15.60 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,7 MPa/100 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi

15.60 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1,0 MPa/150 psiAssenteSia MPa che psiMPa/psi


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Connection screw R1/8 Size 37.5 Transparent cover material Policarbonato

Supporto tecnico