G(A)33, Manometro per usi generici (D.E. 30)

G(A)33, Manometro per usi generici (D.E. 30)
  • In Offerta
Calibro a tubo Bourdon in ottone per usi generali Serie G33/GA33.


  • See catalog for specification details.
  • Product pictures are representations.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Pressure Gauge For General Purpose G33/GA33 Specifications

Standard specification

Model G33 GA33
Type Back side thread Vertical side thread
Port size*1 R 1/8
Fluid*2 *3 Air
Indication precision*4 ±3% (full span)
Material Case Stainless steel
Clear cover Glass
Stud Brass
Bourdon tube Brass
Weight (kg) 0.03 0.033
Compatible model IP5000, IR1000, IT1000 ARM2500, 3000
  1. *1 When mounting the pressure gauge, take care not to over-tighten. Excessive tightening will cause damage. Use pipe tape for sealing.
  2. *2Use other fluids with caution as corrosion may occur.
  3. *3Take care to avoid freezing. This may result in a malfunction.
  4. *4The guaranteed temperature range is 23°C ±5°C.

Model (Standard)

Model *1Pressure range Indication unit Port size Note
G33-2-01 0 to 0.2 MPa R 1/8 -
G33-3-01 0 to 0.3
G33-4-01 0 to 0.4
G33-6-01 0 to 0.6
G33-10-01 0 to 1.0
GA33-2-01 0 to 0.2
GA33-4-01 0 to 0.4
GA33-7-01 0 to 0.7
GA33-10-01 0 to 1.0
  1. *1Do not apply pressure more than the maximum display pressure. This may result in a malfunction.

Model (Made to Order)

Model *1Pressure range Indication unit Port size Note
G33-2-01-X2 0 to 0.2 MPa R 1/8 X2: stud parts electroless nickel plated
G33-4-01-X2 0 to 0.3
G33-6-01-X2 0 to 0.4
G33-10-01-X2 0 to 1.0
GA33-2-01-X2 0 to 0.2 X2: stud parts nickel plated
GA33-4-01-X2 0 to 0.4
GA33-7-01-X2 0 to 0.7
GA33-10-01-X2 0 to 1.0
G33-10-01-X4 0 to 1.0 X4: oil-free (wetted parts degreasing)
  1. *1Do not apply pressure more than the maximum display pressure. This may result in a malfunction.

Model Number Notation

Model number example

Model number example

- Symbol Content (1)
G33 GA33
Back side thread Vertical side thread
(2) Max. display pressure 2 0.2 MPa
3 0.3 MPa -
4 0.4 MPa
6 0.6 MPa -
7 0.7 MPa
10 1.0 MPa
(3) Port size 01 R 1/8
(5) Special specification*1 No Mark -
X2 Stud parts nickel plated
X4 Oil-free (wetted parts degrease washing)
  1. *1X3 (wetted parts stainless steel) specification is not available.

Pressure Gauge For General Purpose G33/GA33 Dimensional Drawings



(Unit: mm)


G33-□□-01 dimensional drawing

G33-□□-01 dimensional drawing



(Unit: mm)


GA33-□□-01 dimensional drawing

GA33-□□-01 dimensional drawing

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Shape Maximum Indicated Pressure Special Specification

14.26 €

1 12 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.2MPaAssente

17.74 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,2 MPaNichelatura

17.19 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,2 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)

14.15 €

1 22 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.3MPaAssente

14.15 €

1 7 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.4MPaAssente

17.71 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,4 MPaNichelatura

17.19 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,4 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)

14.15 €

1 12 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.6MPaAssente

14.15 €

1 4 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0.7MPaAssente

18.18 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore0,7 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)

14.15 €

1 7 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1.0MPaAssente

17.71 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,0 MPaNichelatura

17.19 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato posteriore1,0 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)

16.90 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPaAssente

17.74 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPaNichelatura

20.60 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,2 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)

14.15 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,4 MPaAssente

17.71 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,4 MPaNichelatura

14.15 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale0,7 MPaAssente

14.15 €

9.48 €

1 Stesso giorno


Filettatura lato verticale1.0MPaAssente

17.71 €

1 98 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1,0 MPaNichelatura

17.24 €

1 26 giorni Filettatura lato verticale1,0 MPaSenza olio (lavaggio sgrassante parti bagnate)


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Connection screw R1/8 Size 30 Transparent cover material Vetro
Unit Specifications MPa

Supporto tecnico