Contenitore B-500

Contenitore B-500

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  • Sconto volumi elevati
A tool box with a convenient pull handle and casters for moving.
· Plug-in type casters can be attached and detached, convenient for transporting heavy objects.
· The built-in coil spring keeps the handle folded when not used.
· The rotary catch ensures engagement between the body and lid and enhances waterproofness.
· Lock installation possible.
· A gasket is inserted into the aluminum frame to keep out water and dust.
· With 7 pieces of cushioning urethane and 4 casters (removable type).
· Ideal for transporting large precision instruments.

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato

Codice componente
Codice componente
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard
Tool set and tool box only Toolbox Type Case Size (Frontage x Depth x Height)
Case color Mass
Product Type Material JAN Code Supplementary explanation

14.11 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni -----Vassoio per oggetti di piccole dimensioni-4962772410059-

12.61 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni -----Kit serratura-4962772410110-

3.44 €

1 Disponibile 7 giorni -----Rondella-4962772410165-

4.12 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni -----Perno sigillante-4962772410172-

3.44 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni -----Perno sigillante-4962772410189-

13.18 €

1 Disponibile 7 giorni -----Tracolla-4962772410493-

6.69 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni -----Kit impugnatura-4962772410431-

1,175.96 €

1 Disponibile 8 giorni Cassetta per utensiliCustodia per utensili Protector760×540×380Altro9000-Polyethylene-Optimal for storage and transport of precision equipment with casters

20.39 €

1 Disponibile 7 giorni -----Ruota-4962772410646-


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