USB-ITPAK Vers. 3.0

USB-ITPAK Vers. 3.0
USB-ITPAK Version 3 is software for collecting data from measuring instruments with Digimatic, Digimatic 2 and Digimatic S1 output to Excel by using USB Input Tool Interface, USB Input Tool Direct cables, U-WAVE wireless system and DP-1VA pinter/logger

Supports bidirectional serial communication provided by e.g. ID-F indicator, ID-C Indicator and Height Gauge LH-600F/FG

Various settings are available like zero set, preset, unit, counting direction, tolerance setting, calibration date setting a.s.o.

Measurement status information can be read like serial number, code number, calibration date, user control number a.s.o.

USB-ITPAK Version 3 simple version is available online free of charge

Compatible OS Microsoft® Windows® 10 (64 bit) and 11

For Microsoft® Excel® version 2010, 2013, 2016 and Microsoft 365

Codice componente

Qui sono indicati i codici componente
correlati al prodotto ricercato


Codice componente
Codice componenteRelativo a
Prezzo unitario standard
Quantità minima d'ordineSconto volumi elevati
spedizione standard

340.00 €

1 5 giorni


  1. 1

Informazioni di base

Product Type Prodotti correlati alle apparecchiature per dati Funzioni Create Microsoft® Excel® input procedures (workbook, worksheet, cell campo a.s.o.) Bidirectional communication (Digimatic S1) compatible Information reading of measuring tools (serial number, code number etc.) Settings and operations of measuring tools (preset, power ON/OFF, etc.) Enter measured data in the quick entry mode Enter measured data in a specified sequence (sequencial mode) Enter measured data all at once (batch mode) Enter measured data individually (individual mode) Automatically enter measurement data periodically Enter a string with your foot Enter measurement data with foot switch, keyboard/mouse, data switch Enter data into an arbitrary application Enter log data from DP-1VA LOGGER Language for Display English / German / French / Italian / Spanish / Turkish / Czech / Polish / Hungarian / Swedish / Russian / Japanese / Korean / Simplified Chinese / Traditional Chinese / Dutch / Portuguese
Compatibilità O.S. Windows® 10 (64bit only), 11 Note Può essere utilizzato per comunicazioni wireless (U-WAVE), cavi USB Input Tool Direct e USB Input Tool cod. 264-016-10

Si trova sulla pagina di USB-ITPAK Vers. 3.0, il codice articolo è il seguente: 06AGR543.
Ulteriori dettagli concernenti specifiche e dimensioni si trovano sotto il codice prodotto 06AGR543.

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